
Armidale City Gymnastics Club


If you can't find the gym wear you are looking for in the Club shop - check out GMD Activewear. This site includes backpacks, winter wear, tramp shoes and all your leotard needs.

Girls - check out all the fancy leotards from Sylvia P.

Boys - go to ProSportsWear for all your training leotard, shorts and longs needs, type in the password Armidale2024. GK SIZING CHART

KinderGym t-shirts are also available in all sizes and colours from the Gymnastics Australia website: KinderGym.

Tramp Gymnasts always need socks - available via the Gymnastics Australia link

RG and Tramp boys and girls - go to ProSportsWear for all your RG Foundation leotards, girls and boys shorts, type in the password Armidale2024.

RG  Gymnasts - Check out Rhythmic Australia for all your apprartus and toes shoe needs.

Or shop ProSportsWear for a variety stylish options.

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