2025 Registrations
Dear Parents and Gymnasts
We hope that you are all looking forward to returning to gymnastics in 2025.
Each registered member pays an annual membership fee that covers their personal insurance while participating in gymnastics. By becoming a member, participants receive access to exclusive offers, competitions and events. Please view the Club Fees Policy in the Policies tab for details, as changes have been made for 2025.
How to register as a recreational gymnast for recreational classes:
KinderGym, General Recreational, FreeG / Ninja Gym, Recreational Trampolining, Teenage Gym, Adult Gym and Masters.
STEP 1 of 2:
KinderGym Membership & Registration - pre-school aged participants
Recreational Membership & Registration - 4yrs + aged participants
Or register your gymnast via the REGISTRATION tab.
Armidale City Gymnastics Club Membership gives access to Gymnastics Australia and Gymnastics NSW.
STEP 2 of 2:
Once your gymnast is registered (and the payment has been finalised), then you will need to select the program/s your gymnast wishes to participate in via the PROGRAMS tab. Please book in for the sessions your gymnast will be attending PRIOR to arriving at gymnastics.
*PLACES ARE LIMITED in some programs [specifically FreeG / Ninja & Kindergym].
If your gymnast is participating in more than one class - only one membership fee is required.
* Note: Class bookings cannot be made until membership payments have been processed. Paying membership fees with Direct Debit or Active/Creative Kids vouchers can take a couple of days to process. Paying with a Credit Card will allow class bookings to be made straight away.
** Levels and Development Group gymnasts will need to use the links emailed, NOT the Recreational Gymnastics link.