Late registrations for this event are closed.
EVENT DATE: 10-11 August 2024 - Timetable to be set
DUE DATE: 22nd June 2024 (This entry is due the same day as Grand Prix #2) at 5pm
LOCATION: Sydney Gymnastics Centre, West HQ
LEVELS: Levels 1-6 & SO
- Gymnasts will only be required to attend one session, on one day of the event (their Level).
COST: $88 - For each MG gymnast
- Late entries WILL receive a $150 late entry fee in addition to the entry fee. Penalty set by GymNSW.
- This is a qualifying competition for the NSW Junior State Champsionships. The NSW Country Champsionships is also a qualifying competition for the NSW Junior State Championships.
FYI: this Grand Prix is the day before the North West PSSA Gymnastics Gala Day.