
Armidale City Gymnastics Club

Sports Psychology Session

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Armidale City Gymnastics Club is excited that we are able to welcome Marni Hietbrink of Peak Psychology into the club to host a session aimed at working with parents and gymnasts on strategies to help mentally prepare for training and the competition season.

Marni has previously held a successful workshop for our club, and her experience working with numerous athletes, coaches and sporting teams over many different sporting codes to help develop their mental skills so they can perform at their best, while getting enjoyment out of participating in their chosen field was invaluable to our gymnasts.

Marni holds a Masters Degree in Applied Psychology (majoring in Sport and Exercise), as well as a Bachelor Degree of Psychological Science (with Honours) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree,majoring in Psychology, with a double minor in Natural Science and Sociology.

We  will be holding the session in two parts-

Part A -Just for Parents (Gymnasts will be supervised upstairs by coaches doing team bonding activites)

This will provide tips and stratergies on talking to your kids about training/competition

Part B- Just for gymnasts- (There will be adult coaches and a MPIO present)

Competition preperation,mental training , How to move past making a mistake

While the gymnasts are completing their session a morning tea will be provided for parents upstairs.

The sessions have been designed in consultation with Marni for both parents and gymnasts to get the most out of their respective session, in an environment that is both safe and appropriate for the conversations that will take place. If you have any questions or are unsure if this is appropriate for your child, please don't hesitate to get in contact with Mandi.



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