
Armidale City Gymnastics Club

Intermediate State Championships for Trampoline sports


Sat 26 Aug 2023 08:00 — Sun 27 Aug 2023 18:00

Event information

Late registrations for this event are closed.

The Intermediate State Championships is ONLY for those Trampoline gymnasts who attended the NSW Country Championships. This was the qualifier to go to the State Championships. 

In addition some gymnasts were selected to represrnt the NW Region as a result of the qualifier held earlier last term anf the Country Chmpionships. 

Those gymnasts eligible to attend the State Championships are: 

Gemma, Ria, Sienna, Isabella, Aayla, Liam R, Chloe H, Zara, Susannah, Nova, Lily G, Charlotte, Kimi, Molly, Rose, Ethan, Henry Tahlia.

Those gymnasts highlighted and underlined are representing the Region as the North West Region Team. Each will receive a t-shirt paid for by the region. 

Entry to the State Championships is by withdrawal. ie You have qualified therefore will be entered unless you choose not to go. 

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