Registrations for this event are closed.
2022 NSW Country Championships
5th - 10th July 2022
Disciplines Competing: MG, Tramp, WG, RG and Team Gym
Please note you will only compete on one day, not every day.
Final timetable to be confimed
We are hosting the single biggest Gymnastics Competition in NSW. We will need lots of
helpers/volunteers over the 5 days. Knowing that this competition is running during the working week,
helpers at this time will be most appreciated. So if available, volunteers during the week from Tuesday
5 th July through to Friday 8 th July would be most helpful.
*Late entries cannot be accepted
PRICING: MG, Tramp, WG 3+, RG 3+ $99
WG & RG Level 1 & 2, Team Gym, 2+ Sports $60.50