
Armidale City Gymnastics Club

Trampolining Clinic


Sat 19 Mar 2022 10:00 — Sun 20 Mar 2022 14:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Armidale City Gymnastics Club is hosting a two-day Trampoline clinic with the assistance of the NSW Trampoline
sports committee.
Featuring: Olympic Trampolinist - Dom Clarke.

The Committee is trying to promote trampoline sports in the regional areas and this is a great way to look at all
aspects of the sport.
The clinic is open to all prospective trampolinists, even those from other gym sports looking at trampoline.
Parents are very welcome to attend any sessions especially those relating to judges and parent helpers.
Cost $20. This covers morning and afternoon tea and lunch on Sunday. ($10 one day only)

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